See the Pen EdzKvJ by Carlos Raygoza (@zizso421) on CodePen.

September 2, 2018


In my experiences with higher education, there are very few professors I can honestly say I enjoyed learning from. The majority of the professors I've had were very dry and boring to say the least. Their content was usually heavy on PowerPoint slides with equations and definitions that were hardly ever fully explained because "you would understand it if you read the book". Unfortunately (or fortunately, I don't know) I learn best by doing hands-on assignments that require me to use the material that's been taught in relatively realistic scenarios. 

It seems like Professor Wu will completely meet my expectations of being a fun and engaging teacher that will actually try to help me learn the content instead of regurgitating lines from the books and expecting me to just "get it". I look forward to working through this class and finally feeling like I'm not just drudging through out of necessity, but because I want to learn! 


  1. Thank you for the positive and honest feedback :-) Love your desire to *want* to learn! IS101-3021 is definitely hands-on and engaging ^_^

  2. Hi Ray,
    Like yourself I am more of a hands on learner. It is how they teach in the in the Military, so that it's members will more than likely retain the information given to them.

  3. I agree with you Ray. I also think I do much better hands on than just reading textbooks. I know that we will learn a lot from Professor Wu because he has patience and he is willing to teach.

  4. I'm also a very hands on person. I think that's the only way to really learn this content; playing around with things until everything looks right.

  5. I believe the hands on approach is also the best way to go about learning. I have also came across many dry and boring instructors.

  6. I think this is a very interesting class! There's so much to learn from here, but I think you'll do good.

  7. I agree with you! It's really exciting that this class is more on hands-on.

  8. Having hands-on assignments is the best way to learn, so I completely agree with you on that. I also respect how you have the mindset of wanting to learn instead of feeling like you have to for a credit.

  9. I agree ! looking forward to working with you this semester !

  10. Professor Wu is gonna be a great instructor, and to say the least I'm looking forward to this almost as much as you are.

  11. I agree! Most professors shouldn't rely on slideshows to teach the class.

  12. I agree as well. Professor Wu is a great instructor from what I have seen. I look forward to working with you this semester.

  13. I also agree! I'm glad that your are enjoying the class though.

  14. I strongly agree Professor Wu in a great instructor Strict, but great!

  15. Professor Wu is a good instructor, actually teaching instead of any other professor who would just throw notes at you and expect you to learn them.

  16. Professor Wu is such a different instructor in that he will do all he can to assist us in succeeding as long as we want to work for it. I hope to grow as much as you do in this course!
