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November 22, 2018

Thanksgiving Update

This was probably the shortest Thanksgiving I've celebrated so far, only because I had to go work a closing shift (at least we closed hours earlier than usual). Luckily I still go to spend time with family before and after my shift, plus the kitchen manager also cooked up a really delicious buffet for us workers, so it wasn't too bad of a shift!

Anyway, the real purpose of this post is to let everyone know that I've moved my website from a subdomain into its own full top-level domain! You can still use the old website link, however it probably won't be updated anymore (, from now on every update I make will be for the main site at

Which brings me to my next point: server side scripting was a headache. In my last post I mentioned that I was going to add a "contact" button/form in order for visitors to easily send me an email without having to leave the site, well I'm proud to say it's finally functional! It took a lot of reading and testing in order for it to come together within the past few days, so unfortunately the form doesn't look too pretty, but pretty enough for now. I'm still trying to iron out a few kinks in the code, but I'll fix them up over time, I hope. Also, before I forget, the info you guys put on the contact form doesn't really have to be legit in order for it to send, however it does still check for proper formatting!

Happy Thanksgiving everybody!


  1. Wonderful job on figuring out the server side scripting :-) Glad you had a chance to spend Thanksgiving with your family ^_^

    Just sent the above two sentences to you via your Contact Me page.

  2. I just saw it in my inbox! I never thought I'd be so excited about email!

  3. I'm glad you got a chance to spend Thanksgiving with your family :)

  4. Glad you spent Thanksgiving with your family! Looking forward to more updates on your main site :)

  5. Glad that you got out earlier from work and got to spend Thanksgiving with your family!

  6. I bet it was a great time.

  7. I worked a closing shift on thanksgiving as well, it wasn't as bad as I thought!
