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November 26, 2018


I've been watching a lot of tech-related entertainment lately, with most of it grounded in reality. I'm not talking about like Matrix-esque media, more like documentaries. One of the movies I've watched recently, AlphaGo, was particularly intriguing to me for some reason. It's a documentary that follows the London-based team, DeepMind (acquired by Google in 2014), and their ambition of creating an artificial intelligence bot that can beat the strongest human Go player. Go is one of the oldest and most popular board games in the world being played today, with most of its players concentrated in Asia. I don't really want to spoil the movie since the entire film had me filled with awe, the outcome was highly publicized in the media too though, so be careful of that as well if you've never heard of this event beforehand! You can find this movie streaming on Netflix, by the way!