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November 30, 2018

Unit 1 Exam

Tomorrow I will be taking the Unit 1 Exam and hopefully I will pass it so that I can complete my IC3 certification! I'm nervous and yet very excited to take the test, hopefully I won't need to take it again. After earning this certification, I hope to become more motivated to acquire my next certification, which will be Associate Certified Electronics Technician (CETa) from ETA. I'm going to try to get it before I graduate so that I can be better prepared for my career path as soon as I get my degree from CSN.


  1. Nervousness and excitement often travel together. You will succeed in passing the Unit 1 exam as you will with Quiz 2 File Management and Windows 10 beforehand :-) Very glad to hear you already have your next certification, CETa, in sight ^_^

  2. Good luck with everything. You know what you’re doing and I’m sure you’ll do great!

  3. As I learned from Mr. Wu's other post, congratulations on passing!

  4. Good luck on your next certification! :)
