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November 16, 2018

Website Update

Considering that I want to keep using the website I made for class afterwards for my career, I've been thinking that the next logical addition for it would be a "contact" form. This way, anyone interested in hiring me or whatever else would be able to send me an email without having to leave my website. However, I'll now have to learn another facet of web development, the "back end"(server-side code). Currently, my website isn't doing anything too complex, the pages are just fancy arrangements of text to be honest. In order to get a contact form to work correctly, I now have to not only format its look, but also give it an actual function besides looking pretty. This contact form has to be able to take the information inputted by the user, format it into a proper email, then use SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) to send that email to my inbox. There's various options I can use, but I'm going to stick with the most common path and use PHP, which is a scripting language that the majority of the web development industry uses. Hopefully I'll be able to actually get it working on my website soon!


  1. Bravo for not only envisioning your website beyond IS101-3021 but for learning the back-end of web development :-) Keeping the visitors on your website as they compose an email to you, excellent ^_^

  2. Great job on being one step ahead of the game!

  3. Keeping it will probably help in the future when directing potential employers to know more about you and it is very professional.

  4. I think you're doing really well! Keep it up with that effort :)

  5. Wow! im sure your website is going to come out amazing!

  6. Sounds like a good plan, I know it's going to work out great :)
