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November 13, 2018

Bought A New Game

So I recently bought a new game called Transport Fever. The entire premise of the game is building transportation networks and supply lines to cities, which sounds pretty boring, but man do I get sucked in when I boot it up! I spend literal hours planning out routes and deciding what mode of transportation would be best to use. Then I just stare at my creation to see how well it works (sometimes not at all how I thought it would) and wonder how I can make it better! It's a constant cycle of me laying down a route and then trying to make it somehow more efficient and cost effective. It's so much fun to me, I lose track of time so easily with this game, literal hours down the drain working on a single route sometimes. Anyway, hope you guys are being more productive than I am!


  1. Glad to hear you found a logistics-based game like this fun :-) Remember to balance fun with real-world obligations ^_^

  2. I'm glad to hear you found a new game! :)

  3. Sounds like fun! It is always exciting to play a new game.

  4. That sounds really cool, is it anything like Simcity? I know what you mean by the hours escaping you while you play, it happens to me all the time!

    1. It vaguely resembles SimCity yeah, I would put it closer to something like Cities in Motion or like Factorio, though! You can't really plan out and customize a city as far as I know with this game, unfortunately.

  5. Sounds interesting. I could see how that could suck up your time.

  6. I tried farming simulator before, talk about boring (IMO).

    1. I actually have that game too, I completely agree that farming is definitely not my thing!
