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December 6, 2018

Bar-top Arcade Cabinet Pt. 1

Hey guys, so I finally got my bar-top arcade cabinet kit delivered today! At this point in time, I've already finished all of the wiring and every single button gives out a proper signal. Unfortunately, the breakout board uses only one USB connection for both button sets, so I'll have to add a couple snippets of code into the configuration files in order to get my Raspberry Pi to read them as separate. Other than that, I just got done playing Metal Slug, King of Fighters, and SNK vs Capcom for like a solid 30 minutes after configuring Player 1 only. I can tell this little cabinet is gonna be a time sink after it's all done! I'll try to get some screencaps of the software once it's ready to go, but for now you guys can look at a few photos from the building process!


  1. Wow, seeing the six-button configuration reminds of my arcade days when I was a much younger man! Your dad is quite lucky to have a son who can build this for him :-) I used to play King of Fighters up to KOF95 along with Street Fighters up until Super Street Fighter II, NeoGeo titles such as Art of Fighting, Fatal Fury, World Heroes in the arcade ^_^

  2. I can't wait to see what this arcade cabinet will look like once it's finished! :)

  3. That is so cool! I'd love to see the end results!

  4. Looking good! That's really awesome

  5. Whoaaaa that is super cool! Cant wait to see the finish product.
