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December 9, 2018

Bar-top Arcade Cabinet Pt. 2

The cabinet is pretty much complete at this point! In total, there about 6000 games loaded into the Raspberry Pi, only taking up about 16GB out of the 32GB SD card that's in it. This was a pretty fun weekend project that produced something any gamer can enjoy! We'll definitely be bringing the fun at the next family party.

Completed build

Emulates multiple retro systems and arcade machines

A seemingly never-ending list of games that has something for everyone

Items and resources used for this project


  1. Wow, I haven't seen an arcade cabinet since about 20 years ago. This cabinet has 6,000 games? I don't think I even played 1,000 during my childhood.

    1. Most of the games are pretty obscure, but yeah I don't think I can name 50 off the top of my head haha. There's also some redundant games, for example Mortal Kombat is included a few times because of the various ports it had. I'm pretty sure that goes for most of the popular games on there!

  2. Very impressive! I'm still shocked of the amount of games it holds.

  3. Awesome! I can't imagine how 6000 games could fit in there. That's so cool

  4. That looks amazing! What a perfect gift :)
