See the Pen EdzKvJ by Carlos Raygoza (@zizso421) on CodePen.

February 8, 2019

New Horizons

It's been quite a long time since I've posted on here, doesn't even feel like a few weeks! Anyway, I've been making strides to improve on my career goals, with the first being to apply for a different job. Although I enjoy the friends I've made at my current place, I feel it is time to move on to bigger things, and they've been very understanding about it. I'm currently pouncing on an opportunity to be a robotics technician for Amazon, so hopefully that goes well! In the unfortunate event that I don't make it through, I will be lining up a slot technician opening over at a casino on the strip, which should become available soon. I hope everyone from IS101 is doing great with their classes this semester as well as at work!


  1. Applying for Robotics Technician opening at Amazon, you go Carlos!

    It's always good to have a backup plan :-)

    Thank you for updating your blog and sharing your career development.

    I will check back periodically ^_^

    Are you still on target for completing your Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree in Electronics Engineering Technology - Bench Technician?

  2. Yes, I'm still pursuing that degree. I'm also branching a bit out into IT too though. Recently I took initiative at work and recovered our custom arcade cabinet with a distribution of Ubuntu and compatible emulators, so I've been really into learning about Linux. I'm going to be trying to attend cybersecurity club soon as well, just to gauge my interest in it!
