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December 13, 2018

Semester Is Almost Done

Unfortunately, I don't really have anything too exciting to blog about today, after finishing up my previous project I've been kind of feeling unmotivated to do much else. Although, we finally emptied out a new room at work this week, so now we're just kind of wondering what we're going to do with it. I've been chatting with my fellow coworkers and most of them are saying we should turn it into a break room, however us techs think we should place more games in it, maybe even make it a room dedicated to virtual reality. One of the managers wanted me to personally research VR platforms for arcades and help her make a sort of sales pitch, but I'm not that invested into how the room gets used in the future 😳. I just hope it doesn't get turned into storage!


  1. Virtual Reality sounds exciting :-) Helping one of the managers with her sales pitch may do well for your work relationship ^_^

  2. You should definitely help your manager out. It'll be a big plus in your career.

  3. Turning it into a break room sounds like a great idea!

  4. That is amazing. I have heard of VR and it sounds really cool!
