See the Pen EdzKvJ by Carlos Raygoza (@zizso421) on CodePen.

May 2, 2020

Random Update

     Wow, it's been nearly a year since the last time I updated this blog and quite honestly it's been a trip! I've since left Amazon, moved to a different city, and got hit with a lockdown. This year is definitely shaping up to be quite a wild ride it seems, but I'm still hopeful about the future. Especially more so now that I've finally moved out of Las Vegas. Hopefully I get to complete my degree at some point next year, but then again at this rate I probably won't 😂. This streak of luck probably won't last me long so I definitely need to get it together, especially if I want to move up to any position here at Intel. I really don't want to be stuck doing my current role for anything longer than a year or two. I'm not sure if anyone really looks back at this blog or not, but it's fun to browse through the posts just to reminisce about the stuff we were up to! Anyway, hope you guys are doing alright, good luck!

1 comment:

  1. I still check your blog Carlos :-)

    Congrats on moving to a different city. Where are you now?

    From Amazon to Intel, congrats on rising in your career!

    Shoot me an email at I would like to know about your academic journey and how you are doing ^_^
