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June 30, 2019

Learn You Sumthin

After discussing career advancement with my coworker a while back ago, we ended up agreeing to sharing study materials related to our jobs. Unfortunately, what he gave me was pretty lackluster to say the least. However it's not really that big of a deal because apparently the pack that I put together for him is pretty substantial and covers a lot of the topics that would pop up on a future test I can take. The guy liked it so much he even told the rest of our team and had me send the files to them as well, although I'm not sure how many of them will actually take the time to read through the books I've got stored in there (because I know I didn't lol).

It makes me wonder, though, how come I never bothered to read through these books that I found so interesting merely from the title? They all cover the topics I love to work with: programming, electronics projects, robotics. Why can I never bring myself to just sit down and follow every lesson and project from these books? I feel like I could've learned so much more at this point in life if I just bothered to set aside time solely to pursuing a new goal every single day instead of haphazardly picking what I want to obsess about for the next few days, only to forget whatever it was I learned and go back to idly playing video games or watching YouTube videos until my next obsession comes along.

I've amassed probably around 30 e-books and multiple video courses at this point, and I've yet to go through any of it completely. That should probably be my goal for the year, just choose one book to learn from and stick to it until the end. I know it's going to be hard considering my tiny attention span, but it's something that can hopefully advance my career and spark something in my head to want to learn more.

With that being said, for whoever ends up stumbling back onto this blog, and being lucky enough to read this post, I'm going to leave a link to my folder of e-books in case you're find something interesting. The folder doesn't contain every one of the books that I have, but it's most of them. I might end up making another account to dump everything in there, but for now this will do!

Have fun!

1 comment:

  1. Time, priorities, squirrel! (Dug the talking dog)

    Picking one book/topic to focus on finishing it is a good start :-)

    Love the animated gif of the alarm clock with the rotating slapping arm ^_^
