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September 26, 2018

New Stuff

So I'm back on yet another impulsive learning spree with regards to programming. I tend to have these random desires to just learn a lot about a single subject, and then subsequently forget about everything I learned about said subject all the time. So far, this is probably the millionth time I've somehow convinced myself that I'm tooootally gonna learn a programming language and use it frequently enough to be "good" at it. To be fair, I used to somewhat know Java back in 2014 because I had a class on it, but most of that material is locked away somewhere deep in my subconscious mind. However, this time, instead of diving straight into deep waters and picking programming languages that barely even resemble anything we actually say as humans, I decided to dedicate this impulse to learning Python. Supposedly it's the easiest language for programming newcomers to learn, and surprisingly versatile. Hopefully I can actually retain at least a LITTLE bit of information I learn with this episode because it can possibly help me further my career in the electronics field, and I need every advantage I can get. So yeah, good luck to me 🙃


  1. Good luck! It's totally feels satisfying learning things on our own. Hope you do a great job with Python :)

  2. Learning different programming languages is definitely a good thing. Keep practicing them after the course is over is better. Having a sample set of code or a portfolio of the objects you created and what they do to showcase to recruiters and potential employers would be best :-)

  3. Good luck on learning this new language! :)

  4. Good luck on the new language! I've been wanting to explore programming myself. It would be my very first time getting into it, but I feel like it would be a lot of fun since I'm familiar with the concepts ^o^

  5. I get the most out of study groups regarding things that technical. Good luck.

  6. That is so cool you get interested in certain topics and dedicate time in trying to learn it. I hope nothing but the best for you!

  7. I get into those moods as well! Usually that leads to me learning a new instrument or trying to invest my time into another job opportunity. Good luck on trying to learn more about coding!

  8. That's awesome! keep up the curiosity.

  9. Have fun but be cautious get alot of rest and enjoy life

  10. Cool! Learning a new language can open lots of doors for you. Good for you!

  11. Always nice to be curious and learn something when having the desire for it.
