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October 20, 2018

Presentation Day

So I'm gonna be real honest here, I really don't like giving presentations. I tend to have a hard time keeping my energy throughout presentations and notice every single little hiccup I have during them, which makes it even harder for me to continue with it. However I am completely wired on caffeine right now and will probably speed through it so fast that I won't even recognize what I'm saying! Another good thing, in my opinion, is that I'm somewhat interested in the topic this time instead of having to choose from a list of drab and boring topics like usual. I think this will help me keep my focus and help relieve a bit of the stress from presenting. I'm not sure if I'm feeling nervous, excited, or terrified right now, it's probably a mixture of all three! Anyway, good luck everyone!


  1. You did a good job presenting Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) and a wonderful bonus of educating us on the ladder diagram. Thank you ^_^

  2. Yes, it’s totally better to present a topic you’re interested in!

  3. It was a good presentation and sometimes you can make it work for you even if you don't enjoy the topic.

  4. Your presentation was awesome and I was impressed with how much you knew about those devices :)

  5. That's awesome. Sorry I missed out on your presentation. I bet it was great.

  6. I totally agree with you because I also am not a fan of presentations, but your presentation was amazing and very informative.

  7. You did a good job. It takes a lot to stand up in front of an audience. I enjoyed watching your presentation.

  8. Nerve control is what it comes down to if you can talk and distract yourself everything goes through smoothly

  9. I couldn't even tell that you were wired with a lot of caffeine

  10. You seemed to have kept it all together during it all, didn't seem to be any hiccups that I saw so good job.
