See the Pen EdzKvJ by Carlos Raygoza (@zizso421) on CodePen.

October 25, 2018


So I just recently bought a skateboard over the weekend and to my surprise, I haven't broken anything yet. I just kinda had the idea of reducing my car usage for short distance trips and impulsively acted upon it. As strange as some people think it is, I actually really hate cars, so much so that I wrote an essay on it last semester for my English class (although, it was about urban planning for the most part). Anyway, I think I'm doing pretty okay at learning how to use it so far, I'm currently just struggling to maintain my balance on it since I rarely ever do anything besides drive or walk! Kudos to all you skaters out there, I don't know how you make skating look effortless. Hopefully I won't look like a bumbling buffoon for long!


  1. Skateboard for short distance trips, smart! Glad you haven't broken anything yet :-)

  2. Hope you have safe trips with your skateboard!

  3. I hope you have safe trips with your skateboard :)

  4. It is a nice way to get exercise and and less pollution to the environment. Good luck skateboarding.

  5. I remember I bought a penny board for last semester, and I fell on campus and never brought it with me again.
    Hopefully you're better at it than I was >0<

  6. Good luck with your skateboarding!

  7. Sick! I'm sure you'll pick it up in no time

  8. Nice! I hope you don't break any bones!

  9. Those are fun i used to skate in the olden days.

  10. Balance is always a pain to maintain when not used to it on a skateboard or any board really. But with practice and time you'll be fine.
