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October 29, 2018

Website Creation

So, all the talking we've been doing about uploading website designs and creating our own webpages has brought me back to a website I used to learn some HTML and CSS called It's a free website that quickly walks you through various programming languages and concepts in order to get programming at the most basic level. It's pretty fun (at least for me) to just go into it every now and then to learn a few things, and garner appreciation for all the work that goes into just creating a relatively "good" website. I recommend you guys at least check it out to see the underlying framework of websites and how it interacts with users. You'll probably be able to pinpoint some familiar things when you right-click and click "view page source" or "inspect element" in your web browsers!


  1. Thanks for sharing with the class :-)

  2. Thanks for sharing the free website with the class :)

  3. It's so funny because I've seen that website around numerous times but have yet to explore it. I think this is the last straw, I gotta make some time to try it. :)

  4. Interesting I look it up.

  5. Thank you for sharing this info! Might have to give it a try.

  6. Very interesting! Thanks for sharing this with us.

  7. Thank you for sharing this! I am going to have to look into this.

  8. Thanks for the information and sharing it with us.
