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November 10, 2018

Academic Pursuits

Currently, I am pursuing an Associate of Applied Science degree in Electronics Engineering Technology with the concentration of Bench Technician. I studied at Southern Utah University beforehand, but over there I was majoring in Computer Science, which involves a lot more software programming compared to my current emphasis on hardware repair. At this rate, my projected graduation month should be May of 2019, I'm so close to graduating I can almost smell the degree paper. I'm hoping this degree will help me in acquiring a job working with complex robotics!

I've been very interested in electronics since I was a small child, most likely because I loved to play video games on my computer so much. My dad actually studied here at CSN, he didn't tell me specifically what he was studying here, but it was related to Information Systems. My dad and I frequently went window shopping at electronics stores, checking out new hardware and imagining what we could do with it. He actually kick-started my knowledge base of computer hardware, eventually giving me the confidence to research and pick out upgrades for our own outdated (at the time) PC. So far, I've put together multiple computers for our family, made a small personal arcade machine and fight stick using a Raspberry Pi and the Retropie software, as well as messed around with the Arduino UNO microcontroller. I actually have a simple bench setup at home for messing around with circuits, currently I've been trying to solder together an oscilloscope kit, but I haven't made much time to finish it up in a while.

Anyway, even though I'm technically already working in my desired field, I feel like I'm not really using the skills I've learned in class all that much. So, hopefully the next job I get will be more complex and satisfying to perform!


  1. A father passing down his passion for electronics to his son, wonderful ^_^ I hope your next job is more challenging and utilize more of your Associate of Applied Science degree in Electronics Engineering Technology - Bench Technician :-)

  2. Very few months to go! That must be so exciting. Hope you make use of your skills the next time :)

  3. Glad you're looking for a challenge! Keep it up!

  4. I'm jealous of your arcade cabinet, I've been wanting to put one of those together for years! I know it will happen one day. Congrats on being so close to graduation!

  5. Thanks for sharing that. Its's really nice to see how your passion originated. I'm sure you'll be able to utilize the skills learned here somewhere down the line. Especially when you move up.

  6. That is amazing can you make me an Iron-man Suit.
