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November 6, 2018

New Guy

Apparently my coworker and I had to train our new tech today and it caught me off guard. I wasn't really sure what I was supposed to teach the guy considering most of our machines are doing pretty well compared to when I started. Unfortunately, all I really did was give him some basic safety advice and had him dislodge a puck jam from one of our air hockey machines. Honestly he just kinda disappeared for a couple hours and I had no clue since we got swamped with customers, which means I was completely in charge for every single call out on the game floor. I couldn't even finish one repair before being radioed for another. Oh well, I think I handled the volume of calls pretty well, hopefully the new guy gets up to speed ASAP because it's gonna be abysmal once the holiday parties start happening!


  1. Sharing your knowledge and experience with someone who doesn't have it - be it in the workplace, classroom, or social setting - is good :-) It's better when the recipient takes that knowledge and experience and builds upon it and produce original work ^_^ I hope your new guy ramps up in time to help you and your coworker during the holiday parties.

  2. Your coworker will definitely be ready for that holiday rush with your training! :D

  3. Nice to see the company trust you to train and make decisions.

  4. Glad you shared your advice to him considering he's new. Keep up the good work!

  5. Just have him follow you. If he really wants to learn he'll latch himself to the most knowledgeable member of your team. Whenever you have a chance to fix something have him hover over you and then give him a chance to fix the issue right after. One of the biggest things I always tell my new employees is to never be afraid to ask questions. No matter how dumb they may think that question is. And of course, always have patience with the new employees.

  6. Training is always different depending on the person you can do your best or your worst... but you did the most you could so good job.

  7. Amazing job! You did the best you could.
