See the Pen EdzKvJ by Carlos Raygoza (@zizso421) on CodePen.

June 27, 2019

Free Software is (not so) Fun Software

So considering how often I have to interact with Linux at work, I've decided I'm going to try to switch my daily operating system from Windows over to Linux. I really want to get comfortable using it and understanding how it works so that I can get better at my job. It's not entirely new to me, I've played around with Linux multiple times (recall the arcade machine I built a while ago), but I've just never used it extensively in any capacity besides for random projects.

With that said, I'm currently using a Linux distribution called Solus on my main computer (dual-booting with Windows 8.1), however I'm currently having issues with getting it to detect the PCI wifi card (Archer T6E) I installed in it a month ago. The system detects the fact that I need to install a driver for it, but when I use the built-in driver tool to install the driver, it still doesn't detect the card. It could just be something I'm not doing right, but I might just have to connect to the internet with a cable in order to download drivers from some other random dude that had this same issue.

Anyway, hopefully I figure out the problem soon or else I'll have to switch to some other distribution and go through the install process again. 😒

1 comment:

  1. I hope you were able to resolve the device detection/driver issue in Solus. Maybe a different distribution of Linux would yield new features or issues. You got this Carlos :-)
