See the Pen EdzKvJ by Carlos Raygoza (@zizso421) on CodePen.

June 9, 2019

Work Weeks

When I first heard we were going to be doing four 10hr shifts a week, I honestly didn't know if I was going to be able to handle it both physically and mentally. Surprisingly, I think I'm dealing with this new type of schedule pretty well. Plus, my mid shift fits PERFECTLY into my natural sleep cycle, I haven't woken up to an alarm in more than a month and I love it! The 3-day weekends are also pretty swell, there's just so much time to unwind and do anything I need to do!

On another note, I was almost given the chance to promote to Tech 3, but unfortunately it was a false alarm. I am glad, however, that my own tech 3 pulled me aside to personally tell me to take the tech 3 test. That brief conversation gave me a ton of confidence in my abilities to do my job and I feel like it validated my strong work ethic. Hopefully the next time I get this chance it's legitimate so I can advance my career and start doing more interesting fixes!

1 comment:

  1. 10 hours shifts and 3-days weekends form a double-edged sword. Very glad to see your confidence soar :-) You will make your own opportunities and advance your career ^_^
